Thursday 20 June 2013

The U Turn.

I'm off work this week - on holiday. Unfortunately it coincides with a very bad back, so I'm limited to what I can and can't do. It's probably a good thing I'm on holiday, as I wouldn't be much use if I went in.
So in between the naps (and the really disturbing dream about fleas) I've been going over the project in my head.
I think...
Even after yesterdays post...
I'm going to use secondhand components.
Well, not entirely...
My main motivations for the project are -
1- I want to build my own tricycle - the one I want, not whats available to buy, but what I think a tricycle should be.
2 - I want to produce others to sell - there is a gap in the market - after all this is the perfect trike - an upright not a recumbent.
Point 2 is a bit woolly and I think here I have my problem.
When I have perfected the prototype, do I make more myself or contract the manufacture out to others?
It comes back to the target market and how I want/need to spend my time.
Recumbent tricycles can weigh in at around £2000 +/-. That has a very specific market, and to meet that price tag it has to be built to a very high spec. I don't have a problem there - I can do high spec, but the high price that would come with it would seriously reduce the pool of possible customers.
If I were a publisher - it would be Print On Demand.
The selling price would have to be kept low, so I would need to make them myself - and that's a nice way to spend your time.
Through the building process the trike would naturally develop and I could make the changes to jigs, etc myself rather than have to explain to a third party and wait...
As I said in my last post - I like the idea that each would be different.

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