Thursday 30 May 2013

Designer Verses Sculptor.

The design teacher in me knows that the 'correct' way to go about designing and making a tricycle is by following the design process. Clear statements, plenty of research, clear drawings, prototypes, models, and after a lot of evaluation - the final drawing and the eventual execution of the product. The sculptor inside wants to cut up bicycles and start sticking them together to see how they work together. See how they feel and look.
I've always thought that if you follow the design process rigorously and thoroughly, then there's no real need to actually make the object.
I've often thought that if I ever heard the phrase "intuitively respond to the material" again - I would probably punch someone. But I'm the one saying it this time. How things look on paper is rarely how things look in reality. My internet dating profile proves my point...
When I was heavily into making forged metal sculpture, I would have a pile of pre-made elements that I could tack together, take off, discard, reassemble until I had something that I was happy with to develop.
I believe my tricycle building project should take the same route.
So, where does that leave things?
I will need to make up a few hack trikes to test out ideas. Choose the best to develop and finalise the Town and Country Trike!

Next post - The Town and County Trike. (Maybe Urban and Rural??)

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